Thursday, October 19, 2006

An oldie but goodie

I was just reading through one of my old journals and I came across this poem I wrote, November 11 2004. I really liked it, so decided to post it here.

I know a place
Of mine - a rock - I think
Where water laps
And soothes
Asleep in gentle rays
And loons call out in black
And white so simple
Geen and good
The Earth I touch Her
Know her
Still inside I feel Her
Come to me and hold me
Mother let me crawl inside
And lie there
While the world is
Take my sins
And wash me in your warmth
I know your grass will hurt
My feet but I will walk
Through fields so warm with
Sun and smell of haylofts, sunbeams
Take me back and learn me
Hold me
I forget me
Let me
Be me
Take me
Love me
Leave me
Free me
Free me
Free me
Free me