Monday, August 01, 2005

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning and I have a very close connection. The first time I had it was when I was 9 or something. Old enough to be left alone in the hospital for two days, young enough to not like it. I remember the pain like it was yesterday. Maybe that's because I re-experienced it yesterday. The first time it was Aunty Marsha's chicken. I had to have an intervenus in my arm, which made it difficult to roll over. The only thing I liked about the experience was the attention, and being able to have someone cater to my every need at the touch of a button.

I think this time I food poisoned myself, by way of some innocent-looking lunchmeat. Stefania says I'm a bad judge of lunchmeat. I'm a good judge of character though, so I think it balances out. The worst part of my current food poisoning is that I was once again alone to suffer through it. All night I was writhing in pain. Stef was out of town, Steph was at Adam's, my mum's far away. Jason-the-man-downtstairs was the only one here to hear my screams of anguish, and he is technically not supposed to hear anything I do (sometimes I wonder about what he does hear...not that there's anything bad to hear...or much bad to hear...).

All I want now is a big bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. That may sound disgusting, but when all you can eat is sugar water it sounds like the ultimate meal. All that greasiness is the very thing I couldn't it was what I most desired. The human condition. We always want what we can't have. So the first KFC I have I am going to indulge. Judge me if you will.

Luckily I'm well enough to go to the David Gray concert tonight with Stef at the Carlu. Looks like quite the swank place, so I'm going to pretend I have class. And try not to run to the bathroom every two seconds. Nothing like food poisoning to bring you back down to earth.

I wonder how this blog thing works and whether anyone will ever see this.

1 comment:

  1. You make it sound like I poisoned you on purpose, Robs!!! :)
    Not my fault that it was left out on the counter all day, before being put in the fridge!


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