Thursday, September 23, 2010

At home in London

I often used to think when living in Toronto how nice it must be to live with a significant other.  I had the most wonderful roommates one could hope for, and I absolutely loved living with them.  But when I got home from work, too exhausted to cook, I would would be nice to have someone to help take care of that. 

With roommates, we were each living our own separate lives, in the same house.  This is the first time I’ve lived with someone in this new way, where we’re delicately intertwining our lives: sharing a space, sharing costs, sharing a closet...

I love planning meals together, doing our grocery shopping, carrying home fresh potted herbs and then cooking together, and talking over dinner about what we’ve seen and thought that day. It’s all those little things, and then also the larger, more philosophical, sudden realization: I don’t have to shoulder the weight of life’s challenges alone any more.  We’re in this together.  And so far, that is a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love all of these shots: the white halo above the baby grand, the purple hazy sky about brown brick, yellow potatoes next to purple onions, Freddy's collared shirts lined up like soldiers next to your sundresses.

    Thinking of you,



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